The position classifier bana plus the postpositional clitic pe
The position classifier bana plus the postpositional clitic du
The position classifier bana plus the postpositional clitic su
The shape classifier budu plus the postpositional clitic du
The position classifier casa plus the postpositional clitic du
The classifier dini plus the postpositional clitic ne
The shape classifier doŋi plus the postpositional clitic ne
The shape classifier doŋi plus the postpositional clitic su
The classifier gada plus the postpositional clitic du
The shape classifier geli plus the postpositional clitic ne
The shape classifier geli plus the postpositional clitic su
The shape classifier giŋi plus the postpositional clitic ne
The class 3 noun pronominal marker go plus the postpositional clitic ne
The shape classifier goso plus the postpositional clitic ne
The position classifier haŋŋi plus the postpositional clitic du
The position classifier haŋŋi plus the postpositional clitic pe: from around
The position classifier haŋŋi plus the postpositional clitic su: at around
The classifier laka plus the postpositional clitic du
The classifier luwu plus the postpositional clitic du
The classifier luwu plus the postpositional clitic su
The classifier mede plus the postpositional clitic du
The classifier mede plus the postpositional clitic pe
The classifier mete plus the postpositional clitic pe
The class 4 noun pronominal marker nu plus the postpositional clitic ne
The positional classifier sono plus the postpositional clitic du
The positional classifier sono plus the postpositional clitic su
The shape classifier taka plus the postpositional clitic ne
The shape classifier taka plus the postpositional clitic su
The shape classifier todu plus the postpositional clitic du
The shape classifier todu plus the postpositional clitic su
The time classifier wu plus the deictic particleda plus the postpositional clitic ne: through this time, up to and including now
The time classifier wu plus the deictic particleda plus the postpositional clitic su: at this time, now
The shape classifier wodu plus the postpositional clitic du
The shape classifier wodu plus the postpositional clitic ne
The shape classifier wodu plus the postpositional clitic pe
The shape classifier wodu plus the postpositional clitic su
The time classifier wu plus the deictic particlesa plus the postpositional clitic pe: from that time, from then
The time classifier wu plus the deictic particlesa plus the postpositional clitic du: to that time, to then, until then, before then
The time classifier wu plus the deictic particlesa plus the postpositional clitic su: at that time, then
The shape classifier wudu plus the postpositional clitic ne
The shape classifier wudu plus the postpositional clitic pe
The time classifier wu plus the deictic particleke plus the postpositional clitic du: to that time, to then, (future)
The time classifier wu plus the postpositional clitic ne: through a time, during a time
The time classifier wu plus the postpositional clitic su: at a time, during a time
The shape classifier xexe plus the postpositional clitic ne
The shape classifier xexe plus the postpositional clitic pe
The place classifier xo plus the postpositional clitic du
The place classifier xo plus the deictic particle ke plus the postpositional clitic du: to yonder, yon.
The place classifier xo plus the deictic particle ke plus the postpositional clitic su: at yonder, yon.
The place classifier xo plus the deictic particle sa plus the postpositional clitic xo plus the deictic particle sa plus the postpositional clitic du: to there, thither.
The place classifier xo plus the deictic particle sa plus the postpositional clitic su: there.
The place classifier xo plus the postpositional clitic su
The classifier yette plus the postpositional clitic ne
The shape classifier ŋaka plus the postpositional clitic ne
The shape classifier ŋaka plus the postpositional clitic du
The class 1 pronoun ŋe plus the deictic particleda plus the postpositional clitic ne: with this person, with someone
The class 1 pronoun ŋe plus the postpositional clitic du
The class 1 pronoun ŋe plus the postpositional clitic ne
The class 1 pronoun ŋe plus the postpositional clitic pe