Sentence #108

Seresere koro Ikaroŋi, sovoya zame kegevedu sarunuŋi.

seresere koro Ikaroŋi sovoya zame kegevedu sarunuŋi

{ seresere} { koro} { Ikaro=ŋi} { sovo=ya} { za=me} { kegeve=du} { sa=runu=ŋi}

{ standing} { boy} { Ikaro=MOVE} { father=CAUS} { PL.IN=INTO} { work=GOAL} { 3SG.RA=eye=MOVE}

The boy Ikaro was standing, and watching his father’s work.

This sentence is part of Dedaloza Tani.


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Motion Particle Phrases are bolded.