Sentence #8
Callolami, koxodu da-dememi, gennayo se-dememiyo woŋŋi wono wabaŋe ŋakane.
- callo
- think
- -la
- =mi
- =1PLex.A
- =∅
- =3
- ko
- home
- =xodu
- =place+to
- da
- go
- deme
- -∅
- -NP
- =mi
- =1PLex.A
- genna
- elder+PL
- =yo
- =yon.3O
- se
- say
- deme
- -∅
- -NP
- =mi
- =1PLex.A
- =yo
- =yon.3O
- woŋŋi
- cloud
- wono
- big
- wabaŋe
- unusual
- ŋakane
- heap+via
We think we should go home and tell the elders about the unusual big cloud.
Everything after the first word is a complement clause in the O position of the verb callo. The complement clause itself consists of two clauses in juxtaposition.
This sentence is part of Dunnolamiwa (What We Saw).
Subject Phrases (A, S, CS) are double underlined.
Object Phrases (O, CC) are single underlined.
Peripheral Phrases are dashed.
Verb Phrases are unmarked.
Clauses are set off by vertical lines.