noye=S | S emerge, come out |
noye=A=O | A emit O |
N-noye=A(=O) | A do bodily function N (at, to, for O) |
noye-deye=A=O | A be transformed into O |
noye-nome=A=O | A create, make O |
auxiliary V-noye | start to V |
Noye is derived from the verb no and the obsolete particle ye ‘out’. It means emerge or come out with no volitionality whatsoever. Noye is not used with the auxiliaries da or no.
Noye is used for bodily functions and noises. These constructions are treated as intransitive and any O argument is considered to be a beneficiary. So wudu-noye=S ‘ S emit breath, breathe’, butu-noye ‘S defecate’, dini-noye=S ‘S laugh’ and dini-noye=A=O ‘A laugh at, mock O’.
Noye interacts with the causative auxiliaries in a less than transparent manner, as shown above. The material or source of the transformation or creation is marked with pe.
[#103] Bodo teneto takataka yana yedi, bodo kadde-deye-dullo dodu mede banape noyeke yeleke.
[#71] Cedubeli wudu noye nomekenama; yebe gada nome deyekenanu xokesu, deye deyekenanu wukedu dadullowa xokedu.
[#27] Dini noyetosana cisena Taboni yisenasana, dini noyetosanamo.
[#94] Luwodo medepe gimi goso noye-nomeminu.
[#105] Luwu noye-noyetosa.
[#31] Mete metepe noye nome tellotodanu doŋiŋi telili.
[#106] Noye-nolotosanu cala luwu loko luwu, yeleke da-nolotoke mede banodu.
[#64] Nuwu paca Nuwu ŋepe noye kanneto, nuwunuwu tenetene wodane se-tene tosese.
[#50] Todu noye nomelalenu ŋewadu, todu noye nome wolalenu wekebe kaddewowa ŋedu!”
[#109] Wudu noye-noyetoda.