Kanne is an auxiliary only verb creating a passive construction. Kanne creates the valency-decreasing passive construction by either removing the A argument or relegating it to a peripheral phrase marked by pe. It is not used with intransitive or copular verbs. Derivation unknown.
[#57] Deni gada tana nolo noyeto, noleko todu deggu nolo kanneto.
[#62] Deni gada tana noloto, Nuwu kuno kanneto.
[#60] Gada tana noloto, laka kuno kanneto.
[#111] Lada todu deggu kanne noloto, loko luwu deggu kanne kuttato, xeye wudu noloto.
[#64] Nuwu paca Nuwu ŋepe noye kanneto, nuwunuwu tenetene wodane se-tene tosese.
[#55] Wudu wudu noloto, xosodu keyodo yana todu kuttatonu, lada tenetene todu deggu kanneto.
[#73] Xotoxoto ŋehele xosu kenni kannece.
[#59] Yeppomo yana muŋi yennisi yana yette gimi yana goso mudu kele yana todu kuno kanneto.