Sentence #19

Liya kidenda soronda likehes piŋiranda ebeves sama dimidimi ira.

liya kidenda soronda likehes piŋiranda ebeves sama dimidimi ira

{ li=ya} { kidi=nda} { soro=nda} { li=kahi=s} { piŋi=ra=nda} { ebeve=s} { sama} { dimidimi} { i=ra}

{ 1SG=CAUS} { rock=SRC} { word=SRC} { 1SG=belly=LOC} { pain=GO=SRC} { sea=LOC} { 3SG.RA} { with.force} { 3SG.AN=GO}

Because the rock’s words put pain in my belly, I threw it into the sea.

This sentence is part of Soronen Kidi.


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Motion Particle Phrases are bolded.