Muke cidunuñe

What we saw.


Cudu kundas leye kodo isi cisedeñe. Sakasaka sonoza bebaŋiwe ono kedu jadu keye saduñeñe. Ja ono gali aŋi siŋi medego. Ja ono taka pen aŋi cidigo. Ja daba aŋi eki zedu enolodu kenna kecamenowe. Eke mujadu kenna kedombenowe. Ciseñeŋe tene, kodu cije, bebaŋiwe ono kedu jape genna se cijes aya.


My son and I were hunting rabbits. He showed me a large unusual cloud near the tops of the mountains. The large thing's trunk was tall like a tree. The large thing's several branches were platter-like. It seemed to us that the thing's parts were blotchy and dark and increasing in size. We did not know what it was. We said to each other that we will go home, and tell the elders about the large unusual cloud.


See interlinear