Pronominal Clitics

Pronominal clitics are used to denote the subject of a verb and the possessor of an obligatorily possessed noun. They can also denote the object of a preposition.

The full set of pronominal clitics are:

  1st person 2nd person 3rd person rational 3rd person non-rational
singular le ŋi ma da
plural lidi ŋidi nadi  

While da can appear in place of a classifier with obligatorily possessed nouns, it is optionally replaced with a classifier denoting the possessor.

List of Pronominal Clitics

  • da [CL.PN] 3NR
  • le [CL.PN] 1SG
  • lidi [CL.PN] 1PL
  • ma [CL.PN] 3SG
  • nadi [CL.PN] 3PL
  • ŋi [CL.PN] 2SG
  • ŋidi [CL.PN] 2PL